Garden Flora Online is a comprehensive online resource for garden plant enthusiasts. It offers user-friendly plant identification, botanical knowledge, global distribution insights, economic importance etc. This website is your guide to the fascinating world of garden plants, fostering exploration and learning.
Aechmea warasii
Bromeliads -
Anthurium Sierra White
Aroids -
Nematanthus Black Magic (Gesneriaceae)
Climbers and Creepers -
Codonanthe gracilis (Bellflower)
Climbers and Creepers -
Nematanthus crassifolius (Thick Leaved Nematanthus)
Climbers and Creepers -
Nematanthus Tropicana (Goldfish Plant)
Climbers and Creepers -
Aeschynanthus radicans (Lipstick Plant)
Climbers and Creepers -
Eriophorum angustifolium (Common Cotton Grass)
Grasses and Sedges -
Fuchsia magellanica (Hardy Fuchsia)
Flowering Shrubs -
Primula bulleyana (Candelabra Primrose)
Perennials -
Stromanthe thalia (Stromanthe)
Marantas -
Scilla peruviana (Portuguese Squill)
Bulbs and Rhizomes -
Pachystachys lutea (Golden Shrimp Plant)
Perennials -
Allium giganteum (Giant Onion)
Bulbs and Rhizomes -
Alpinia purpurata (Red Ginger)
Bulbs and Rhizomes -
Cocos nucifera (Coconut)
Palms -
Mansoa alliacea (Garlic Vine)
Climbers and Creepers