Latania lontaroides (Red Latan Palm)
Plant dioecious, reaching up to 12 m in height, growing slowly. Mature trunk slightly swollen at base, gray, smooth, up to 25 cm in diam., with rings marking fallen leaf scars. Fan-shaped, costa-palmate leaves, red with red petiole in early years, later turning green, 2-2.5 m in diam. Flower stalk arises among leaves, 1-2 m long. Fruit a smooth, globose drupe, 3.8-4.5 cm in diam., brown and glossy.
Cultivation: Grows in full sun but tolerates partial shade, preferring fertile, well-drained soil. It has moderate salt tolerance and is susceptible to lethal yellowing disease. Propagated by seed.
Etymology: The genus name “Latania” is believed to be derived from the vernacular name used in Mauritius. The species epithet “lontaroides” refers to its resemblance to the genus Lontarus, highlighting its similarity to another palm species.